we show a right path which make you healthy

Here you can find many healthy tips,remedies and much more

which way you will choose?

Healthy food or a junk food?

Always balance your deit

Make your Healthy deit plan

Drink natural and fresh juices of fruits and vegetables

It keeps you healthy, fit and active

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

High calories shake for weight gain

To make a drink, we will take:

1. Cashew nuts 

The presence of magnesium in cashew makes your nerve healthy as it deposits on the bones surface and prevents calcium from entering the nerve cells. Therefore, your muscles and blood vessels get relaxed.  It also works well to reduce stress and anxiety.

2. Dates  

It contains a high level of carbohydrates 44- 80%, the protein level is to 2.3- 5.6% and It has a high fiber content and It contains about 6 Vitamins (Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Niacin, Vitamin A) Because of a high level of carbohydrate content, it is a very good source of energy. The dates give instant energy and remove body weakness.

3. Banana

Bananas are high in potassium, low in salt, rich in pectin, high in fiber and calcium. Bananas are easy to eat and digestible food full of energy. It is helpful in gaining weight and gives you a healthy look.

4. Walnuts 

It is high in nutrients, vitamins, fats, and proteins. It is helpful in curing many diseases and body weakness.

Let's look into Recipe:

Take two Bananas
Two dates
5-6 Cashew nuts
2 walnuts
1 glass of milk


Place all ingredients in a blender and blend it well to make a smooth drink.
Drink it daily for a week. Trust me this drink gives you a healthy look.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Benefits of Salad

We all like colourful salad on our lunch and dinner, but some of us don't know its lots of health benefits. Different people like different salad dressings. Some like creamy salad others like without cream and mayo salad. Here you can find some health benefits of salad.

There are the following benefits of salads for our health:


Whatever the salad, most of the salad has a high fiber in them that makes it very good for digestion and bowel movement.


Salad is a good source of vitamins because salad usually comprises raw fruits and vegetables.


Salads are a rich source of antioxidants to keep the body young and prevent damage due to aging.

Reduce blood sugar:

Salads are extremely good at reducing blood and is said to be excellent for keeping it in control.

Lowers Cholesterol:

Because salads are essential raw fruits and vegetables, It has high water content compared to other food, especially fatty foods.  hence it lowers cholesterol.

Helps in weight loss:

Salads are excellent food If you want to reduce weight. it helps to reduce your craving for other foods also and thus helps in controlling weight gain.

Reduces diseases:

Salads are very useful in reducing obesity and related diseases like cardiovascular diseases. It is also said to have excellent anti-cancer properties.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Health Benefits of eating Potatoes

Potatoes are delicious, heavy, dry, and energizing. It contains protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorous, iron and Vitamin A. Potatoes are also a source of Vitamin B, Niacin and Vitamin C.

There are the following health benefits of eating potatoes:
  1. Potatoes may help boost the body from cold and the flu through their rich vitamin C content. 
  2. Potatoes may have cardiovascular health benefits, such as reducing bad L D L cholesterol in the body through their rich calcium, vitamin C and Vitamin B complex content.
  3. The rich source of vitamins in potatoes may have the potential with stress and mood.
  4. Potatoes may have some positive skin benefits, such as reducing wrinkles and treating sunburns through their rich vitamin C and vitamin B-complex properties.
  5. Potatoes may help to keep up blood pressure through their rich potassium and fiber content.
  6. Potatoes may have the potential to give anti-cancer health benefits through their rich vitamin A and antioxidant properties.
  7. Eating boiled Potatoes benefits the digestive system, facilitating healthy bowel movements through their rich fiber content. The potato prevents the fermentation process in the intestine and helps the growth of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract.

Benefits of carrot juice

Nutrients found in carrot:

Carrots are a good source of several important minerals and vitamins including vitamin A, vitamin B6, Vitamin K,  vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and folate, Biotin, potassium, Niacin, and Manganese.
We should also recognize that carrots are a very good source of dietary fiber.  

There are the following benefits of carrot juice:

If you consume just one glass of carrot juice per day, it will help your immune system, help your body fight against disease, damage viruses, bacteria, and inflammation. The essential nutrients, such as Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, phosphorus and potassium, all help to strengthen your nervous system.


Carrot juice can even help to maintain a healthy cholesterol level and blood sugar level because of its high potassium content. Also, because carrots are low in sugar and calories, it is beneficial to diabetes and can help prevent diabetes from occurring. Carrots also help your body to create more bile secretion, which helps your body to burn more fats and lose any excess weight.


Carrot juice can help to cleanse your liver from any harmful toxins. The high amount of vitamin A in carrots plays a key role in flushing out toxins from the body It also reduces the bile and fat deposits in the liver. Besides, a soluble fiber in carrots helps cleanse the liver and colon by facilitating waste elimination. Eating carrots regularly will help prevent inflammation or infection of the liver that can lead to liver disease.

Benefits of bottle gourd

The bottle gourd is one of the healthiest vegetables. Juice from this vegetable has some fantastic health benefits for the human body. The juice within the bottle gourd contains some nutrients including Vitamin A, B, C, K, E, iron, folate, manganese, and Potassium.

  • It contains around 92% water and is an excellent way of keeping the body hydrated.
  • Drinking this often can help to maintain a healthy heart by bringing down bad cholesterol levels.
  • Like many other vegetables, It helps to stabilize blood glucose levels and can be beneficial for those with diabetes. The natural sugar within the drink can be used to re-energize the body after a workout.
  • The juice has a cooling effect helping to reduce body heat in the summer.
  • In Ayurveda medicine, this juice is used as a remedy to treat pimples and ulcers.
  • The bottle gourd is also best known for its ability to aid weight loss, the vegetable is packed with a fiber which is the number one key to losing weight.    
  • The extra vitamins and minerals also help the body flush out fats. The juice can be extracted or made by boiling some pieces of bottle gourd in water, add some salt and cumin seed. Bring it to boil until the bottle gourd changes its colour. off the flame. leave it for 15 minutes to cool then drink this water after a meal or empty stomach.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Health Benefits of eating Banana

By any measures, bananas are a superfood. They are one of the most popular and well-known fruit for a reason.

They are many health benefits of bananas, but we are going to address only 6 of these benefits. 

  • Digestion 

Bananas are amazing food for improving the digestive system. Bananas are rich in pectin and will help your digestion and detox your system. They produce digestive enzymes that help to absorb nutrients from food. And absorbing nutrients from the food is the most important task undertaken by the digestive system. They are also rich in fiber and can help with constipation. Banana has a prebiotic effect on the gastrointestinal tract 

  • Aid with sleep:

Bananas contain high levels of tryptophan, which is converted to serotonin. serotonin not only helps with sleep but also relieves depression. It is a well-known neurotransmitter that helps to make people feel happy. Tryptophan also helps with the seasonal affective disorder (SAD). 

  • Energy:

The main reason to eat a banana is that they contain so much neutral energy without any of the side effects of excessive carb consumption that one can get from processed food. A banana contains around 24 grams of carb and 100 calories. they are an easy and efficient fuel to add to any diet. 

  • Anti-aging property:

Bananas have a high amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and are responsible for anti-aging. They contain many different types of antioxidants including dopamine and catechin.

  • Potassium:

Potassium is probably the most well-known benefit of consuming bananas. Potassium makes people more alert and also help alleviate muscle cramps.  Bananas are high in potassium and low in salts and are recognized by the FDA to help lower blood pressure

  • Improves Kidney Health:

Bananas are especially effective at maintaining good kidney health. One study found that participants who ate bananas regularly were 33% less likely to have any kidney problems compared to those who did not eat bananas frequently.
Numerous other studies have duplicates these result.

Aside from the Benefits listed above, Bananas provide significant amount of Vitamin C, Manganese and have zero fat content. They also help to improve appetite and insulin resistance. 

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Effects of Soft Drinks in our Health

Now a day, we mostly prefer soft drinks instead of taking natural and healthy drinks.  Soft drinks or soda drinks are harmful to our health. It creates many health problems and damages our internal organs.
ingredients of soft drinks;
It contains lots of sugar, carbon dioxide gas, caffeine, Benzoic acid, sulfur oxide, and phosphoric acid.
Below the list of effects of soft drinks in our health:

1. Diabetes

Because of the presence of lots of sugar in soft drinks, it increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. It increases the level of sugar in the blood.

 2. Kidney disease

Soft drinks also affect our kidneys. When we drink it a lot, it increases the risk of kidney disease.

3. Dehydration

 lots of sugar and caffeine in soft drinks, both work to discharge lots of water from the body so the body faces dehydration.

4. Osteoporosis

Soft drinks also increase the risk of osteoporosis. When people often drink soft drinks, their bones become weak.

5. Cavity

Soft drinks affect our teeth. It produces cavities on our teeth. It also softening dental enamel.

6. Effects on children's health

When children take soft drinks, they face many health issues. Their body loses lots of calcium so it feels weakness and becomes dull.

7. Digestion disorder

The presence of phosphoric acid in soft drinks damages the inner lining of the stomach and increases the risk of stomach acidity and ulcers.

Drink for Digestion


Lemon contains vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber content good for digestion. Lemon has an alkalizing effect on the body and promotes healing and restoration of the millions of cells.

Mint is a fragrant green herb. This is healthy for the human body and is used to cleanse the digestive system.

When these ingredients blended to create a special drink. They can detoxify the body and internal organs. By drinking a glass of this juice every day, you can detoxify your body from within boost energy levels and have a great sense of wellbeing.
Let's look at the recipe:
You will need:

  • 1 handful of fresh Mint leaves.
  • Half a lemon.
  • pinch of black saltoptional).
  • 2 cups of water. 

Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend it. Sieve the mixture and drink over a glass of ice cubes. Be sure to add 1-2 tablespoons of honey or sugar if you wish to sweeten this drink.

This is a wonderful drink to drink in the summer. It produces a cooling effect on your body. This works well to boost digestion and increase your mental focus.

What's in a Mango?

What's In a Mango?
The Mango is one of the most keenly awaited fruit. Mango comes in over 100 varieties, in different shapes, colour, sizes, flavours and compositions. They are rich in nutrients (source of vitamin A and C) and minerals such as potassium. As mangoes are also high in sugar, diabetics should consume them moderately, to avoid a sharp rise in their sugar level. Besides being delicious, mangoes have many benefits:

  • They are rich in B- carotene, a natural protective agent against cancer and heart diseases.
  • Because of best calorie supplier to the brain, mangoes helps in reducing depressions and mental fatigue.
  • Test result have shown that mangoes dissolve the toxic waste products that accumulates our kidneys which help in prevention of kidney stones.
  • Mango pulp contain fiber which is essentials to a balance diet.
  • Mango peel can be used to make fruit vinegar as well as citric acid, an active ingredient in Jams and jellies. 
So with all these health benefits, don't feel guilty about indulging in mangoes this summer but remember excess of anything is bad.

What's in an Apple?

There are different types of Apples Red,Golden and sometimes It is green in colour. It is a low calorie fruit. When we eat one apple in the morning it keeps us active and fresh.
Apples deserves to be called "nutritional powerhouse". It contains Vitamin C(powerful natural antioxidant), B complex (riboflavin, thiamin, Vitamin B6 ) and dietary fiber.
   There are lots of benefits for your health of eating an apples.
listed below:

  • Apples reduce cholesterol level . thus this fruit is useful for weight loss for a person who is overweight.
  • Apples contain insoluble fiber which provide bulk in the intestinal tract and help move food quickly through the digestive system.
  • In addition to Insoluble fiber apples also contain soluble fiber which help prevent cholesterol from building up in the lining of blood vessel.
  • Apples also contains Potassium may benefits for heart health. 
  • the phytonutrient and antioxidant in apples may help reduce the risk of developing cancer.  Apples well be one of the most healthy food for you to include in your diet.

Grapes Benefits

Here are the top 5 unique and proven health benefits of grapes:

  • Boost Your Immune System

    Grapes are rich in flavonoids but minerals and proteins as well The high level of vitamin C, K and A in grapes gives your body a healthy boost, particularly to your immune system which means less chance of getting sick and health issues overall.

    • Better Bone Health

    Grapes are a wonderful source of micronutrients like copper, iron, and manganese all of which are important in the formation and strength of your bones.
    Adding grapes into your diet regularly can prevent the onset of age-related conditions like osteoporosis.

    • Help prevent heart disease:

    Grapes increase the nitric oxide level in your blood which helps to prevent blood clots and helps to reduce the chance of a heart attack. The antioxidants present inside grapes help to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol which blocks your blood vessels and is the main contributor to the various coronary conditions.

    • Prevent Migraines:

    Ripe grapes juice is an important home remedy for curing your migraines. It should be drunk early in the morning without mixing in any additional water.

    • Protect you from Infections:

    Red grapes have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties that can protect you from infections. Grapes display strong antiviral properties against the polio-virus and the herpes simplex virus. Studies have also shown that juice can tackle bacterial infections in your gut and other systems.

    Other health benefits of Grapes include keeping you hydrated, lowering the risk of diabetes, reducing the risk of cancer, treating skin problems, a rich source of potassium, supporting brain health, treating knee pain, fighting inflammation and promoting weight loss.

    Health Benefits of Guava

    Guava is a delicious fruit which is grown in warm climate. Once harvested they can be eaten or juiced to create a health tonic. Guava fruit are tasty and have excellent health benefits for the human body. They also contain healthy nutrients and minerals.

    • Anti-inflammatory properties:

    Eating this fruit or drinking its juice helps to treat bleeding gums as it has anti-inflammatory properties.

    • Speed up digestion:

    The fruit also work as a natural laxative for those who are suffering with constipation. The high fiber content speed up digestion.

    • Weight loss:

    Eating this fruit daily helps to boost your metabolism and trigger weight loss.

    • Control Diabetes:

    It also control diabetes. chinese medicine has used guava for the treatment of diabetes for years. the rich fiber content and low glycemic index of guava are extremely beneficial for diabetic people. while fiber help regulate sugar level. Eating 1 to 2 guavas without peel can be helpful in maintaining your blood sugar

    • Improving Immunity:

    Guava plays an important role in improving your immunity. This fruit high in Vitamin C which help to boost the immune system and protect the body against cold, flu and infections.
    • The high volume of antioxidants with in also helps to keep the skin looking young and vibrant.
    • Along with the fruit, the bark and the leaves of guava tree also provide numerous health benefits.
    • Regulate Blood Pressure:
    Both guava leaves and guava fruit work to regulate blood pressure by lowering overall cholesterol levels and triglycerides.

    • Protect against Heart damage:

    The high amount of antioxidants and vitamins help to protect the heart against damage from free radicals.
    In some areas of the world. guava is blended to make a thick paste sugar is added and guava cheese is made by baking.
    We recommend slicing guava thinly and adding to salads  to add a unique and tasty freshness to the bowl.

    Fresh fruit and vegetable juices

    Fresh fruits and vegetables juices Health Benefits

    Fresh fruits and vegetables juice rich in vitamins, minerals and iron. They contain all the goodness of the whole in one. It help in boost your immunity against disease. They not only give energy to your body but also helps in boost your digestive tract to function properly. Drinking these fresh juices in morning and afternoon make you active and fresh.

    Vegetables and fruits 

    Healthy food Vs Junk food

    Effect of Junk Food in our Health

    Adults and children both attracted to because of their taste but they don't understand the risk of these foods possess. 

    1. Trigger digestive problems

    As we all know, junk food rich in fats and oil. This fatty system upset the GI tract, resulting in gastroesophageal reflux disease and irritable bowel syndrome. The oil gets deposited on the stomach wall, which makes the gastric cells to produce gastric acids. This excess acid results in various indigestion problems. The spices also irritate the gastric lining, increasing the secretions. 

    Health Damaging Habits

    All of us make little mistakes that cause damage to our bodies in the long run because we are unaware, we are doing something wrong. Here are some of the most common mistakes we usually make.

    EATING OUT OFTEN:                                                                                                         

    There are oils high in cholesterol and oils that cause little harm and are better for your heart. However, no matter how light the oil is, it is never a good idea to eat much of it. Avoid fried foods. Remember that probably your favorite food restaurant throws huge. Limit outdoor eating unless you know that you're getting served light and healthy food.

    SKIPPING BREAKFAST                                                                                                    

     Never, ever skip breakfast. Remember, when you wake up in the morning, it's been around 8-10 hours since your last meal. Your body needs food now, more than at any other time. Eat a heavy breakfast. You will then be busy throughout the day, and the calories will get spent quickly. If you are trying to diet, eat a light dinner. Here are more common health mistakes we make. Being informed and making a few changes can help make us feel well.

    HIGH HEELS:                                                                                                                            

       High heel sure looks great, but they are dangerous for your back. Avoid high heels when you are going somewhere on foot. If it constantly tempts you to wear your heels, inspect your flats. Is there something about them you dislike? Invest in a new pair of beautiful flats or shoes with a low heel.

    NOT EXERCISING:                                                                                                                           

    So all of us know we should exercise more, but many of us don't. This is a health mistake we consciously make! And why is that? Because we refuse to admit the damage, we are causing our bodies by not working. Several people only start working once they have experienced a warning signal. Don't wait for a heart attack strike before you opt for a lifestyle change. Make the change now!    

    Effects of Vitamins deficiency

    • Vitamin A: Deficiency leads to skin Disease, night blindness, belching and respiratory diseases. Vitamin A is present in milk, butter, carrot, tomato, leafy vegetables, and fruits. 

    • Vitamin B: Deficiency causes beriberi, enlargement of the liver. Vitamin B found in peas, beans, meat, and cereals.

    • Vitamin C: Deficiency causes scurvy, tooth and bone diseases. We find it in Lemon, oranges, and cabbage, etc.
    • Vitamin D: Deficiency causes rickets. It is present in butter, milk and egg yolk. 
    • Vitamin E: Deficiency causes sterility. Vitamin E is present in wheat germ oil, nuts, and some vegetables.
    • Vitamin K: It helps in coagulation of blood and is present in fish, Wheat, and oats